Accepting imperfection is essential for creating compelling visual thinking.

Nowadays, people post content with a lot of makeup. Think about the content that you see or that you post on social networks.

How many of the photos you post have previously passed through your filter. What are your main criteria to apply those filters? Probably perfection. They are all moments of perfection. The perfect photo, the perfect moment, the perfect occasion to show something. The perfect mess. Even those images that show messy situations, if you pay attention, are a perfect and neat mess.

The problem with this 'perfection' is that we incorporate into our subconscious that everything has to look good.

For this reason, one of the most significant restrictions we impose on ourselves is perfection. The consequence of this is the fear of not meeting those perfect expectations.

Let me tell you something:

Good visual ideas are going to come from a context of chaos. Any creative process is born out of chaos.

Chaos and imperfection are where the connections begin.

That's is why embracing imperfection is so important.

I am going to share with you three powerful and easy-to-apply rules that will help you embrace the imperfection:

I'll start with the obvious one.

1) Be Imperfect

Being visually imperfect makes you fast and effective. Who is more likely to win Pictionary? The person who draws well or the person who draws imperfect and is fast? You already know the answer. The person who draws well gets lost in the details. The one who is not perfect in his drawing and details will be more straightforward.
Visual thinking has nothing to do with the perfect or cute drawing. It has to do with sending a message that people read and understand. People don't care if your drawing is imperfect. People just want to understand your message.

2) Bypass digital 

When doing your brainstorming process, digital encourages you to eliminate what you don't like. But looking at the ugly things on a piece of paper is a trigger for a good idea.

Imperfect ideas, those that don't look good, are the door to other perfect graphic solutions.

3) Draw metaphors.

The metaphors are already imperfect. They represent many things that are not consistent with reality. An icon is a perfect, clear, clean representation of a concept.

An icon is predictable. A metaphor is not. But in the imperfection of a metaphor lies the beginning of a mini-story. It's always better to convey messages in a story format.

It is almost like accepting visual imperfection to produce perfection in your visual thinking.


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