Disrupting Norms: Creating Metaphors Through Substitution

One of the many ways to create metaphors is through substitution. 

It involves replacing an element in a scene with something completely different from what people would expect to see. This disruption creates the metaphor.

To make the substitution more effective, it's helpful to provide context. 

This highlights the evidence that an object is out of place. 

Every time we create disruption, we're prompting people to stop and pay attention to our message.

But here's the key: disruption is created with intention. 

The handles on this subway were replaced with speech bubbles to convey a message. 

What message? 

That's where you can help me out. 

What are they trying to tell us? Why are people leaning on them?

Would you like to suggest a keyword or short phrase for this scene?

You can join the membership that teaches you Visual Thinking through Metaphors without resorting to clichés, using the limited-time code "MAYBIRDS".

If you have any doubts or questions, I'm here.

Thank you,
Dario Paniagua
Visual Thinkers Coach


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