Inktober Tip: How to Discover Creativity from New Perspectives

Today, I want to give you the second tip for the Inktober challenge.

The word "discover" means to find something unexpectedly—to see, find, or become aware of something for the first time. 

Sometimes, these things are right in front of us, but we don’t notice them because we don’t allow ourselves to stop, search, and look closely. 

We must look unusually and from different perspectives—looking up and looking down. In fact, discovery is tied to curiosity.

Here are some questions to help you explore this concept:

- Can you show a familiar object from a less common perspective?

- Does seeing another angle of an object allow you to discover new shapes?

- Can you use the shapes you’ve 'discovered' to create new elements?

- Can you use negative space to uncover images that relate to the theme you want to represent?

Don’t be afraid to explore, and don’t fear the absurd. You can always give meaning through a mini story.

Look, play, and...

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Inktober Ideas: Keep Your Creativity Flowing for 30 Days

Inktober is a month-long art challenge created by artist  Jake Parker
Although I won’t be participating, many of my students ask how to find daily inspiration for this challenge, which demands constant creativity for 30 days.

So, I’ll be sharing random tips to help you see things from a new perspective and realize that mental blocks aren’t real if we know how to create disruptions and tell stories around them.

Here’s the first tip for #inktober2024
The first word in this challenge is "backpack." My advice is: don’t always be literal—think laterally.

You don’t have to draw a backpack as it is.

- Could your thoughts be a backpack?

- Could the backpack take a human shape?

- Could it transform into something else?

- Does it have to be a physical object, or could it be a gas or something organic that takes its shape?

- If you draw a backpack to represent someone traveling, could you also draw one to show what people think about or worry...

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